Geometric Investigation of Thin Perforated Steel Plates Under Biaxial Elasto-Plastic Buckling by using Constructal Design
Constructal Design, Elasto-Plastic Buckling, Biaxial Plate Buckling, Structural Integrity, Thin-Walled StructuresAbstract
In many structural engineering applications, perforated thin plates are commomly required, such as for cable and pipe passages or inspection windows, among other. It is well known that thin plates subjected to compressive loads may experience a structural instability called buckling, characterized by sudden out-of-plane displacements. To investigate this phenomenon and determine the optimal geometry of a thin steel plate featuring a centered elliptical opening, the Constructal Design (CD) method was applied in combination with the Exhaustive Search (ES) approach and the Finite Element Method (FEM). The CD method facilitates assessing geometric configurations to achieve the most effective distribution of imperfections, thereby maximizing the performance indicator relevant to this solid mechanics analysis. From the results of around 700 cases numerically simulated, it was observed that incorporating perforations impacts the mechanical strength of the plate by up to 62.5% when compared to an unperforated plate of identical dimensions (considered as a reference plate). In addition, plates without cutouts (reference plate), with different aspect ratios, the same thickness, the same amount of material, and the same normalized ultimate stress, can exhibit deflections with a difference of up to 229.4%.
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